Ford Dealership Near Mill Bridge, NC

Looking for the best deal for your next ride? Turn to Huntersville Ford for reliable vehicles priced at highly attractive rates! We have the latest Ford models along with a wide range of pre-owned vehicles for you to choose from. Regardless of your lifestyle needs and budget, we have just the type of vehicle you need. Check out our vehicle specials and schedule a test drive appointment today. We look forward to serving you.

About Mill Bridge, NC

Mill Bridge is a populated place and an unincorporated town that is officially registered as Mill Bridge in 1874. It can be found in the township of Mount Ulla within the county of Rowan, North Carolina.

Driving Directions from Mill Bridge to Huntersville Ford

Distance: 27.8 miles

Travel Time: 37 minutes

Start: Mill Bridge, NC

  1. Head north on Millbridge Rd toward NC-150 E 3 s (98 ft)
  2. Follow NC-150 W and I-77 S to Huntersville 37 min (27.7 mi)
  3. Turn left onto NC-150 W 14.0 mi
  4. Turn left onto Talbert Rd 0.8 mi
  5. Turn right onto NC-1100 0.1 mi
  6. Continue straight to stay on NC-1100 292 ft
  7. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left to merge onto I-77 S 11.9 mi
  8. Exit at no. 23 onto Huntersville 0.3 mi
  9. Make a left turn to Gilead Rd 0.3 mi
  10. Make a right turn to S Statesville Rd passing by Wendy's (on the right) 0.3 mi
  11. Drive to your destination 1 min (246 ft)

End: Huntersville Ford

13825 Statesville Road Huntersville,

NC 28078

Monday 9:00AM - 8:00PM
Tuesday 9:00AM - 8:00PM
Wednesday 9:00AM - 8:00PM
Thursday 9:00AM - 8:00PM
Friday 9:00AM - 8:00PM
Saturday 9:00AM - 8:00PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 7:00AM - 6:00PM
Tuesday 7:00AM - 6:00PM
Wednesday 7:00AM - 6:00PM
Thursday 7:00AM - 6:00PM
Friday 7:00AM - 6:00PM
Saturday 8:00AM - 2:00PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 7:00AM - 7:00PM
Tuesday 7:00AM - 7:00PM
Wednesday 7:00AM - 7:00PM
Thursday 7:00AM - 7:00PM
Friday 7:00AM - 7:00PM
Saturday 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Sunday Closed